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Friday, July 09, 2010 N Word, Please! One of my reps was called the "n" word today at work by a customer. I would say the word, but culturally, I have not been given permission to use it in public. I assure you, the word is not "nice lady," or "neat gal." I find this absurd for a number of reasons. The first and most obvious, is that the girl is not black, nor does she sound black. In fact, when she smiles in New England in February, she disappears. Second is, really? Really? In 2010? You are going to call a place of business and do that? What does that accomplish? If you think that the rep will get all offended and sad, and have to seek therapy, in this case, you are wrong. She was super excited and told the black rep sitting next to her as if to empathize with her people's suffering. Now at this point you might be assuming that the customer was just using the word as a generic insult. You might have been right, if the customer didn't also call her "homie" a few times in a sarcastic fashion. However, you did brighten my day, so, thank you douchebag! ![]() |
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