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Saturday, February 18, 2006 Pinhead You know, what is it with idiots? I realize that there are many forms of stupidity in human beings and I have been known to do stupid things, but I am talking about living as a self righteous, blithering imbecile. What are these people thinking, are they totally blind to their effects on the people who have to deal with them? What kind of moron would take his infant son on his visitation day and drive into a snow storm with a piece of shit car and not turn around and take the child back at the mother's request/demand? I am fucking so pissed off.... It seems as if this shithead has no regards to the safety of his child but only to the smugness of his own ego. I swear, if I lived closer, and I mean this, I would drive to his house, provided he makes it there, and kick the living shit out of him. Castration of his balls would be another idea while I was there as well. Being a mother, I know the feeling my friend has at this point. It is gut wrenching, agonizing, and no mother should have this worry about their own child especially since she went through the pregnancy with no help from this fuck who decided that he better listen to Mommy and step up at her request to raise his son. Fucking derelict bastard. ![]() |
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