Those We Love
The Old
The New
Thursday, December 15, 2005 Busy as Hell Hey all! Hope you all are well and have done most of your Christmas shopping. I am trying to break my procrastinate ways this year and so far I am doing ok. I have a very busy week ahead because I have med term finals and will be trying to cram for a seven chapter final, yuck! On a funny note, my boyfriend picked me up from school the other day and to my surprise, he had a damn unicycle in the back of my yeep. WTF????? I don't know what has gotten into this dude. He mentioned that it was just something that he needed to do before died and that everyone surely has always had a hankerin' to learn to ride a unicycle. He gets home and spends the rest of the evening using last years pogo sticks to try to get some balance. I can think of a few things he needs to be working on besides this........ |
Good Places
What The Hell Is Going On
The Funny