Those We Love
The Old
The New
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 Yes! I will start off by saying that the Pumpkin Spice creamer from Coffeemate friggin' rocks! This is especially true when mixed with fine Starbucks coffee. They have an assortment of flavors for the holidays including Peppermint Mocha and Gingerbread. I was thinking today about Thanksgiving and turkeys and stuffing and such... I have managed my whole life to dodge the job cooking T-day dinner and if the grand task were appointed to me, I would run, run like the big ass bird! It started with my grandmothers, who still to this day, made the bestest tasting meals on T-day. It is too bad they passed away without giving me the recipes. In the last 6 years or so, our good friend the bear cop has graciously slaved away at the stove only to serve a delicious meal with pecan pies and everything! We would go shopping the night before and then proceed to go home and make this eggnog that would kill a small animal. He would spend the night and it would be on the next morning. This year, Uncle Who is spending Thanksgiving in Santa Fe with people who couldn't love him as much as we do, so more power to him... AGAIN, I luck out and one of my best friends up here is doing the deed and I gladly accepted the invite. I only have to make pies and my spinach dip! I am going to be busy manana so I am wishing you all a very great Tryptophan buzz!! ![]() |
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